Jaci Imberger
First Steps Program Director
Fields: First Steps

Jaci and her family moved from Chicago to Taos in 2002. She received her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Iowa in 1986. She has been a bedside nurse, a nurse manager, HIV research coordinator, Nursing Director for a HIV independent living facility and home visitor for families prenatal to three. She and Jana Bailey started the grass-roots coalition of Latch On, which is a provider group that meets monthly to support breastfeeding in our community. She received her Infant Mental Health Level 2 endorsement, is a Circle of Security Parenting facilitator, certified Infant Massage instructor, and Level 2/Supervisory FAN certification. She has worked at First Steps since the beginning of the program in 2007 as a home visitor and became the program manager in July 2012. She has presented her programs’ work in the field of Infant Mental Health to audiences at NMAEYC, Fussy Baby National Network Meeting, and State-wide Home Visiting. Her team was also selected to present a poster at the 2017 Zero to Three conference. She also co-authored three articles that were selected for publication in Zero to Three. She has taken her program through the Level 1 and 2 FAN certification and is always excited to share the “FAN koolaid” with anyone who is interested. She is married and has two adult children. She enjoys being with family and friends, attending sporting events of all kinds, snowshoeing and knitting whenever she can.