Kathy Alcon, PT, MS, WCS, CLT
Fields: Physical Therapist

Kathy specializes in Women’s Health Physical Therapy. She is a native New Mexican, and returned home in 2003. She believes strongly in patient education and is quoted to say, “If I treat a patient, I help them once; but if I teach a patient, I help them across their lifespan.” She enjoys gardening, reading, and playing with her dogs.
Education and Training:
Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy – University of Central Arkansas, 1978
Master of Science in Physical Therapy – Texas Woman’s University, 2010
Doctorate of Physical Therapy – Texas Woman’s University, 2015
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Women’s Health – Texas University, 2012
Women’s Health Board Certified Clinical Specialist – American Physical Therapy Association, 2012
Certified Lymphedema Therapist – Norton’s School of Lymphedema , 2010