Neal Friedman, MD
Fields: Diabetes Management

Dr. Friedman is a practicing Endocrinologist in rural New Mexico. He is also the co-Medical Director of the local Physician Hospital Organization as well as this Diabetes program. He previously was the Medical Director of SOUTH CENTRAL Preferred, a provider sponsored PPO and TPA in South Central Pennsylvania and was Medical Director for Disease Management for Wellspan Health, while still practicing endocrinology, primarily in children. Prior to that, he was the Vice President for Medical affairs for Quality for Kaleida Health in Buffalo, New York and had responsibility for managed care issues for the largest municipal health system in upstate New York. Previously he was Medical Director for Disease Management at Lovelace Clinic and Medical Research Officer for the Lovelace Clinic Foundation.
He is an internationally recognized expert in the treatment of diabetes and obesity and was Medical Director of the Lovelace Diabetes Education and Management Program. He has carried out over 40 clinical studies, including numerous studies of agents for the treatment of hypertension and dyslipidemia. He was editor-in-chief of the ADA journal Diabetes Forecast from 1994-1998. Dr. Friedman has special expertise in the area of chronic disease management. He was a consultant to the Department of Defense for development of their diabetes disease management program and had an international consulting business for chronic disease management.