Helen Reilly
Home Visitor
Fields: First Steps

Helen has been working with young children and families for many years. She has a Master’s Degree in Early Intervention and has focused her career on the social emotional development of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Training to become a certified Circle of Security provider had a powerful impact on her awareness regarding the relationship the parent and infant develop in the first few years of life. This foundation creates strength and resilience that the child will carry with them forever. Working with families as a Home Visitor offers her the unique opportunity to be with parents as they discover their gifts and strengths as baby’s first and most important teacher in life. Helen feels honored to provide practical support and a listening ear as parents experience the blessings and responsibilities of raising their children.
Helen was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and came to Taos with her husband after living and raising their children in Eugene, Oregon. She is drawn to the diverse culture and beauty of northern New Mexico, and enjoys hiking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends