In early April, David was asked by the New Mexico Dept. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, which is in charge of the State Emergency Operations Center or “NM EOC”, if he would like to come to NMEOC in Santa Fe in support of the State’s response to the COVID-19. After his first shift, he was asked to serve as Deputy to the Emergency Operations Center Director, which he has done several times now, mostly on weekends. At the NMEOC, he has the opportunity to work alongside and learn from leaders from many State and federal departments & agencies — many of whom are experts in a field such as health, agriculture, public information, communications, logistics, strategic, planning and operations support, or service in the military, with years of experience working on some of our nation’s biggest disasters.

This wide variety of subject matter expertise and logistical support capabilities are needed to provide decision makers and organizations throughout the state with the information, supplies, food, sheltering options, and planning and policy support needed to respond to the COVID pandemic as well as other crises. This rare opportunity provides David with hands-on experiences and training that he brings back to HCMC for our emergency preparedness program.
David Elliot is now board certified by the ANCC to be a “National Healthcare Disaster Professional”