For decades, the Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary has been a steadfast pillar in the local healthcare community, embodying the spirit of service and compassion. Founded on principles of altruism and community support, the Auxiliary has played a vital role in supporting the hospital’s mission to provide excellent care to the community.
Today, the Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary members handle a variety of responsibilities. They volunteer to greet patients, staff the outpatient surgery desk, assist in the kitchen, operate the hospital Gift Shop, and create cards to celebrate each employee’s birthday.

At the heart of the Auxiliary’s mission lies a dedication to enhancing patient care and comfort. Through fundraising initiatives and volunteer efforts, the Auxiliary has consistently worked to help ensure that the hospital meets the evolving needs of its patients and staff. Money raised in the volunteer-run Gift Shop enables the Auxiliary to help the hospital purchase equipment that can improve patient care. Over the last two years, the Auxiliary went above and beyond by donating over $45,000 to replace the floors in the hospital lobby and hallways.
“The Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary’s generosity in replacing our floors is truly remarkable,” said James Kiser, CEO of Holy Cross Medical Center. “Their dedication to enhancing our patients’ experience and improving our facility is inspiring. We extend our sincere thanks to the Auxiliary members for making a tangible difference in our hospital and community!”
The hospital Auxiliary holds a profound conviction in the importance of community service. They understand that by supporting the hospital and its patients, they are actively contributing to the well-being of the community, embodying the spirit of giving back.
Auxiliary President Mercy Lucero reflected, “I began working at Holy Cross Hospital in 1967. I used to work in the operating room, and the Auxiliary members were incredibly helpful in various ways, allowing the medical staff to focus on patient care. As I neared the end of my career, I thought, “I want to continue this legacy, so I joined the Auxiliary to give back and support the hospital and its patients.”
Auxiliary member and Holy Cross Board of Directors Auxiliary Representative, Cristina Martinez, said “I joined the auxiliary to give back to the community. I’m retired and it’s just fun. When we are crafting or when we spend time together being of service, we call it our therapy.”
As the demands on healthcare continue to grow, the need for dedicated Auxiliary volunteers remains vital. While the current volunteers exemplify tireless dedication and selflessness, expanding their ranks would ensure even greater support for patients and staff alike. Every new volunteer brings a unique set of skills and perspectives, enriching the collective effort to enhance patient care and strengthen community connections.
Sylvia Torres has spent 20 years volunteering as an Auxiliary member. When asked what she would say to encourage others to volunteer, she replied, “Just come and join us. You’ll find different times in the day that you can work, and different roles that suit your talents. It’s a beautiful thing. And there are a lot of perks with it. For the women in the Auxiliary, the hospital gives a free mammogram once a year. We get our lunch for free in the cafeteria and we get 20% off in the gift shop. There are a lot of little perks that come with the role.”
If you are interested in learning more about the Auxiliary or volunteering, call (575) 751-5729 or stop by the Holy Cross Hospital Gift Shop.