Hospital Auxiliary
Contact Us:
(575) 758-8883
The mission of the Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary is to render service to the Hospital and the community through supportive involvement with patients, staff and visitors.
Auxiliary members handle a variety of responsibilities at the hospital, including staffing the day surgery desk and operating the wonderful gift shop; distributing newspapers to patients; assisting with hospital sponsored events and hosting the eagerly-anticipated Valentine’s Day Tea and Holiday Bake Sale for all Hospital employees.
Gift Shop

Our Gift Shop provides attractive and varied merchandise. It has one of the best selections of quality greeting cards in Taos. In addition, the Gift Shop provides fresh candy, snacks, baby gifts, stuffed animals, candles, popular over-the-counter drugs and sundries and inspirational figures and jewelry. Our Shop carries a fresh selection of flowers from Bud’s and accepts phone orders.
Money raised in the Gift Shop enables the Auxiliary to help purchase medical and other equipment to help the hospital continue providing the finest care possible. Scholarships are awarded each year for deserving high school graduates.
The Gift Shop is not only a place to shop, it is a place where the staff provide an atmosphere of compassion and often a listening ear for patients or visiting family members.
Our Auxilians continue to staff two scheduled shifts:
9 am to 12:30 and 12:30 to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday; and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. The Gift Shop is closed on Sunday.
Stop by any time to discover what others have found to be their favorite gift shop in Taos!
Teenagers over the age of 14, interested in community service, are welcome to participate in the Volunteens Program.
If you are interested in learning more about the Auxiliary or volunteering, call (575) 751-5729 or stop by our Gift Shop, located in the main lobby area across from the Enchanted Cup.
Day Surgery Desk

Our dedicated Auxilians staff the desk in the Day Surgery area in two scheduled shifts, 7:30 am until noon and noon until 4;30 pm, Monday through Friday. They provide a welcome presence and help support the Holy Cross Medical Center staff and employees by assisting with registration of patients for any of the following:
- Day surgery
- Cumadin or Anti-Coagulant Clinic
- Infusion Clinic
- Wound Care Clinic
Upon registration, the Auxilians escort the patient to their particular area and continue to provide information and support for families and visitors. If and when transportation is needed, Auxilians can and do access local transportation for patient pickup. The waiting area adjacent to the Day Surgery offers complimentary coffee, comfortable seating and a tv, as well as reading material.
Patient Advocates

Friendly Visitors to Advocate for Emergency Room Patients
Emergency rooms are busy, noisy, uncomfortable, and usually time consuming. The ER visit is often a time of crisis and patients and their loved ones can easily be overwhelmed. The Auxiliary works to help patients during this stressful time to ease their anxiety and provide comfort.
Holy Cross Hospital’s Patient Advocates Program began in February 2013, staffed by volunteers who go through over 16 hours of training, with ongoing monthly training. Their mission is to ease patients’ and their families’ distress and help them understand what is happening while they are in the ER. By serving as a liaison between medical staff, patients and families, the advocates help improve communication, so people know they are not forgotten and clearly understand the process they are experiencing.
The advocates are available in the emergency room 7 days a week between 4-9 pm.
If you are interested in learning more about the Patient Advocates Program or to volunteer, call (575) 751-5729 or stop by our Gift Shop.
Let’s not forget that Auxiliary members also simply enjoy being together!
Visit our Facebook page, Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary