
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal – they can be extremely painful, and extremely embarrassing. Risk factors for the development of symptomatic hemorrhoids include aging, hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, too little fiber intake, chronic diarrhea, anal intercourse, constipation, or sitting too long on the toilet.

A hemorrhoidectomy is a surgery to remove hemorrhoids. It relieves the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids that have not responded to more conservative treatments. Hemorrhoids are usually treated with dietary, lifestyle, and medical measures before surgery is recommended.

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids is reserved for patients who do not respond to more conservative therapies and who have severe problems with external hemorrhoids or skin tags. There are several types of surgical procedures that can reduce hemorrhoids; most can be performed on an outpatient level, or office visit under local anesthesia.

Talk to your doctor to identify the best treatment plan for your hemorrhoids.

Learn more from the Mayo Clinic online.