BeStaRRs is an employee recognition program of Holy Cross Medical Center | Behavior Standards Reward, Recognition and Social activities.
Frances Santistevan – AIDET

- Frances is demonstrated AIDET every day.
- Acknowledges others with a smile
- Is friendly to everyone
- Always has a kind word
- On top of that even when not at the register she is busy keeping the cafeteria in tip top shape.
Paula Oxoby-Hayett –Communication

- Exceptional job partnering with many community agencies to bring additional classes to children families and providers.
- Created a great relationship with the Detention Center and now provide classes to detained mothers
- Partnered with Smarthouse to provide after-school programs
- Brought 3 agencies together to provide financial literacy to parents
- Exceeded the requirements of her grant going above and beyond
- Passionate about bringing services to families in our community
- It is a privilege to have Paula be part of the HCMC family
Eric Spannenberg – Quality & Safety

- Spent a great deal of time and effort in achieving better compliance with our vendors in use of Vendormate.
- Spent time gaining and understanding of the system and cleaning it up.
- Educated Vendors bout clocking out after being here
- Educated the PBX staff and departments who use vendors that all vendors must have a badge each day they are at HCMC
Fred Rael – Teamwork

- Always willing to do whatever is asked of him
- Cleaning in the ER waiting area to getting needed supplies
- When I couldn’t access the registration office to send a fax he quickly arrived and opened the office to expedite the process
Anna Romero – Respect and Courtesy

Anna took the time to help a patient by assisting and advising him about his Medicaid coverage, easing all of his concerns and answering all of his questions. She took the time to listen to him carefully and made sure he had a clear understanding about his benefits. And if that was not enough, when they were done meeting, she walked him to the cafeteria, explained the menu in detail to him, purchased his meal, and sat and ate lunch with him! Anna is a true example of what we learned in AIDET training, and Holy Cross Medical Center is so proud to have her on our team!
Marcos Romero – Respect & Courtesy

- Patient got upset and started crying and becoming violent
- Marcos did a very good job of calming her down and finding a solution
- We really appreciate him turning the situation around
Lori Ann Cortez– Service

- Exemplifies service to patients, community members and coworkers
- Many times witnessed that she is never too busy to remember to something kind and specific about a patient in order to make their visit meaningful
- Makes extra space, putting down other tasks, for a patient or student who needs extra help or consideration
- Exemplary coworker and indispensable
- She demonstrates care and precision in daily tasks
- Dedicated to what she is doing
- People in the community and at HCMC rely on Lori Ann because she always does what she says she will do
- Positive attitude, no excuses
- Often delivering above and beyond what is expected
- She is “Good People”
Katie Patrick- Accountability

- Always willing to step in at any time to help out her technicians
- When it snowed she was willing to tackle the shift on her own and did not complain
- She also steps up anytime a technician leaves early and helps with their duties
- She rocks!