Holy Cross Medical Center is pleased to announce we have been chosen by the New Mexico Hospital Association (NMHA) as one of the top performing Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) in the state for quality and patient safety based on our most recent 12 months in the
CMS-funded program, Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN). Holy Cross Medical Center is one of ten hospitals being recognized, five CAH and five Acute Care Hospitals.
Criteria for the award is based on goals set by CMS and the American Hospital Association (AHA) over the past 12 months of the HIIN project (April 2018 through March 2019). Hospitals receiving the award were chosen based on percent improvement and maintenance of zero harm for their top 10 performing metrics. Holy Cross Medical Center showed improvement or maintained zero harm in the following metrics:
- Anticoagulation Safety
- Catheter Utilization
- Central Line Utilization
- Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection Rates
- Colon Surgical Site Infection Rates
- Abdominal Surgical Site Infection Rates
- Clostridium difficile Infection Rates
- Pressure Ulcer Rate
- Sepsis Mortality Rate
- Readmission Rate
Holy Cross will receive an engraved award from Marie Cleary-Fishman, AHA’s Vice President of Clinical Quality, during NMHA’s Quality Awards Ceremony on September 25th, 2019.
Thanks to our entire healthcare team for focusing on patient safety and improving the quality of care we provide. You are making a difference every day in the lives of those we serve.