For two years our world has been struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic. This new virus has made its way to every corner of the planet and as it travels, it mutates. COVID-19 is a burden to everyone, but health care workers around the world have been fighting on the front lines since day one, with […]
Coronavirus Updates
Holy Cross Hospital is no longer able to offer Outpatient COVID-19 Testing.
Holy Cross Medical Center is unable to offer rapid COVID testing to asymptomatic patients. This change is due to supply chain issues related to the test kits used to perform this testing. We have created a list of alternate sites where you may be able to get tested for COVID-19. Holy Cross Hospital only offers […]
Taos Vaccine Update – Feb 25th, 2021
As part of our on going efforts to provide the community with up to date information regarding COVID-19 and vaccinations in Taos County we have an update from Feb 25th, 2021. Bill Patten, CEO of Holy Cross Medical center shares an update about our vaccination numbers, talks about the process to get in line for […]
Holy Cross Hospital Receives First Phase of COVID-19 Vaccine
Holy Cross Medical Center, in coordination with the NM Department of Health, will start vaccinating employees and other high risk healthcare providers using the limited doses of COVID-19 vaccine received today, December 15; 150 doses of the vaccine were received this morning. Holy Cross submitted the necessary paperwork to be a distribution hub for the […]
COVID-19 – Taos Testing Locations & Times
Until recently, tests for COVID-19 were very limited and were used only on sick individuals with the common symptoms of COVID-19. Now that more test are available, testing for the general public is becoming more common. There are many locations to choose from in Northern New Mexico. If you are very ill and you are […]
Virtual Public Forum – Small Business & Coronavirus | Best Practices and Why
Join Holy Cross Hospital and the Taos Chamber of Commerce for a virtual public forum regarding safe practices for businesses that are re-opening during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Holy Cross Hospital worked closely with Centinel Bank to receive much needed funding.
Holy Cross was not only one of the first applications to be submitted to the small business association for a PPP loan in Taos County but we were successful in securing much needed funding. This was due in part to the strong partnership we have with Centinal Bank. For us to have Centinel bank as […]
Coronavirus – Taos Area Response Forum – Thursday, April 30th
In our continued efforts to keep the community up to date regarding the status of the spread of COVID-19, we hosted our third digital public forum. We focused the first half of this forum on frequently asked questions regarding the virus, and responded to some live comments and questions from Facebook. The last half of […]
COVID-19 Preparations at Holy Cross Hospital, Taos, New Mexico
We have been working hard over the last two months to stay ahead of the covid-19 pandemic. We are very proud of the efforts we have made and Bill Patten, CEO of Holy Cross Medical Center, wanted to take a moment to highlight the efforts of our staff and to update the community on some […]
Celebrating Our First COVID-19 Recovery
Holy Cross Hospital held a ‘Celebrate Recovery Send Off’ yesterday for a patient who was quite ill with the coronavirus. She was admitted, with very low oxygen levels, so we are excited that she is recovering and is well enough to go home. Congratulations Juanita! We here at Holy Cross Celebrate you and your recovery […]
Coronavirus – Taos Area Response Forum – Thursday, April 9th
Holy Cross Hospital will be hosting their second community wide response forum via Facebook Live Thursday, April 9th at 2PM MST. Community members will have a chance to hear from Holy Cross Hospital physicians and leadership, along with representatives from Taos County, the Town of Taos, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative, UNM, and a representative for […]
Holy Cross Hospital is Actively Responding to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Holy Cross Hospital staff has been planning diligently for several weeks to develop a complete response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Those efforts increased when the Governor’s office announced New Mexico’s first presumptive positive case Coronavirus (COVID-19). Multiple measures internally and externally have been implemented with staff working round the clock. What are we working on […]
First Presumptive Positive Test Results for Taos County
Holy Cross Medical Center has announced a presumptive positive test result for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. This is the first presumptive positive result for Taos County. The affected person is an adult male in his fifties. The patient appears to have two residencies, one in an eastern state and one in […]
Holy Cross Medical Center Partners with Health Care Stakeholders to Monitor Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Holy Cross Medical Center staff, working in concert with the New Mexico Department of Health and neighboring hospitals in Northern New Mexico, have been monitoring the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Using guidance from the CDC and the State Department of health, Holy Cross Medical Center is prepared and committed to providing high quality care to all of […]